(November 5, 2015)
So I am
what you would probably call a proponent of Intelligent Design. I have no problem with macroevolution, but
don’t believe the science supports the theory that it occurred naturally. The probabilities are so low that those who
are reductive materialists are reduced to presenting the argument (which I take
to be a tautology) that if must have happened, however improbable, or else we
wouldn’t be here to notice it didn’t happen.
I am not too concerned about it, however.
I somehow doubt that, in the hereafter, we will be judged on our beliefs
as to the mechanism by which Creation occurred.
Instead we will ask (or remember participating in it), and that will be
that. It makes a fine test for us
mortals, but I don’t imagine it to be a stumbling block hereafter.
But I
must admit that my viewpoint seems a little inconsistent with verse 6. It appears on the face that it is directly
incompatible, except for the fact that the best evidence we have indicates that
Joseph Smith believed in an Earth around 2.55 billion years old both before and
after this revelation. So who
knows? I guess the key point is, after
getting a testimony of the truthfulness of the Restoration, the details are not
as important and our minds sometimes try to make them out to be.
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