Thursday, November 7, 2013

Alma 63

(November 4, 2013)
The Lord is so full of tender mercies, that I don’t even know how to describe them sometimes.  Today, when I am struggling with accepting responsibility for the difficulty my own weaknesses have caused (and feeling nearly overwhelmed by my inadequacies), my scriptural reading assignment (set years ago) is Alma 63.  The chapter that described the triumph of my hero from the Book of Mormon  – Corianton.

Corianton is most often remembered in this Church for his failures in the mission field.  But that wasn’t the end of his life.  He was called to go on another mission, and he served valiantly.  He overcame his weaknesses and repented.  So much so that in verse 2, he is described the same way as Shiblon (“he was a just man, and he did walk uprightly before God; and he did observe to do good continually, to keep the commandments of the Lord his God”).

Now, when I am struggling so much with the consequences of my own failings and wondering whether I can ever make things right, I was nearly overwhelmed when I looked and saw what I would be reading today.  The Lord had prepared me, or prepared this chapter for me, at this time just when I needed it.  I cannot tell you the number of times that has happened – I have read just what I needed to read just when I needed to read it.

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