Monday, April 21, 2014

Alma 2

(March 16, 2014)
How often have we seen this play out in our modern lives  – there are those who claim that they believe in democracy right up until the moment that the people decide something that they don’t like.  Then democracy is evil.  Look at the homosexual marriage movement – they first thought that they were a popular movement until such time as they started losing at the ballot box pretty well everywhere that they tried.  So what did they do?  They started to impose their view of the world through judicial fiat.  They began suing anyone who disagreed with them or gave less than enthusiastic support.  Like Amilici, they were all for democracy as long as democracy provided a cover for getting their own way.  The moment it did not, however, the mask was removed and they started to pursue their aims through the naked acquisition of power.

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