Monday, October 6, 2014

Esther 5-8

(October 4, 2014)
                Haman is almost more interesting in this narrative than either Mordecai or Esther.  Haman simply could not be happy while Mordecai existed – Haman was advancing in power and prestige, but it didn’t matter to him so long as a single righteous man stood in sackcloth and ashes at the gate.

                What’s more, Haman’s own actions led to his destruction.  The Lord even seemingly gave him a warning shot across the bow – the clothing and the robes and honor given to Mordecai (Haman could have repented and relented then) – but Haman’s rage could not be satisfied.

                How often are we the same?  If someone who we think should suffer instead is happy or blessed, or even (as in Mordecai’s case) merely exists, does that affect our own happiness?  If so, we have great cause to repent, because if there is one truth carried through the scriptures over and over again (and which I can also testify about from my own life), it is that when I feel wronged and seek vengeance (whether personally or through the Lord or even just in the thoughts of my heart), I find myself laying the foundation for my own destruction.  Let the Lord judge between me and my enemy, and that should be enough for me – may they each repent and find forgiveness for the harms they have caused.

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