Thursday, July 3, 2014

1 Samuel 31

(July 3, 2014)
                There are times when our lives seem to be overwhelmed by darkness and suffering.  Here, the Israelites had been conquered and scattered, their king and his heirs all slain.  A superior military force on their borders.  They would have been justified, in the world’s eyes, for feeling afraid.  But they were a covenant people – things were different for them.  The Lord had laid plans for their salvation right around the corner.  David, their true king, would soon step in and right the wrongs and repair the damage.  Israel would be whole and strong again.

                Of course, David is a Christ-figure.  We, as a modern Israel, see destruction of those things we hold must important.  Our dreams and hopes are slain, we are scattered, and forces outside of our control rest upon our borders.  We too, from time to time, can be justified in the world’s eyes for feeling afraid.  But we too are covenant people, and things can and should be different for us.  The Lord has won Salvation for us, our true King has stepped in to right the wrongs and repair the damage.  It may not come in this lifetime, but because of the Atonement we can find comfort in a comfortless world.

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