Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Ezekiel 33

(March 3, 2015)
                One of the things that has always struck me about the Book of Mormon is the fact that it contains so much wisdom – so many thoughts that are superficially simple, but with significant depth or thoughts that aptly capture the truth of the matter in a concise and novel way.  The Lord does that here in Ezekiel (describing the mouth showing love, but the heart going out after covetousness), and having lived the life I have lived I can now recognize the truth of the phrase. 

                Throughout the Bible, there are these thoughts and nuggets of wisdom.  But save for Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, they are not done in bulk by any particular author.  But in the Book of Mormon, this wisdom is spread throughout the book – lessons that have taken me years to learn (even with the help of the book) and further lessons I certainly have not learned yet.  This makes sense when viewed as the life lesson of dozens of prophets shared throughout the centuries, but seems wholly impossible for a single unlearned twenty-sometime rural farmboy.

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