Sunday, December 1, 2013

Helaman 7

(November 10, 2013)
At this time of significant difficulty in my life, I am comforted by the fact that Nephi’s mission to the north was unsuccessful.  It is good to see that our failures aren’t the end of the line for us.  While Nephi’s failures had to do with the sinfulness of others and mine had to do with my own sinfulness, nevertheless he remained a powerful prophet who worked mighty miracles despite an unsuccessful mission.

When we strive to achieve righteousness through our callings, we are often frustrated when our efforts seem to fail to bear fruit.  We may even chastise ourselves (I know I have).  But sometimes we fail to recognize the role of agency in the Plan of Salvation – we know it intellectually but we forget it emotionally.  When we fail, we need to ask ourselves whether we fulfilled our stewardships to the best of our abilities and, if so, leave our efforts in the Lord’s capable hands.

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