Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Ether 1

(December 17, 2014)
                It is impressive to me how sanguine Jared and his brother are.  After all, the represented the end of everything they ever knew or loved.  Their civilization was over, their culture was destroyed, and they were to leave and go to a land they had never before known.  But they understood that the Lord could bless them much better than they could control their own lives.  And so, because of their faith, they could respond to this difficult time in such a peaceful way.

                I have experienced similar events inn my life – not that my language has changed, but I have been moved against my will and lost all those things that I hoped to achieve in my life.  The experience is painful, but I too can attest to the truth that the Lord can bring us peace and happiness from circumstances that we would never want.  It is a matter if we will trust Him or not.

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