Friday, June 26, 2015

John 1

(June 4, 2015)
                It is a very human trait to want to be important.  In my daydreams, I accomplish great things in my life.  I don’t daydream that I help someone move in or unload their groceries – I daydream that I am the hero who rescues or the missionary that converts or any number of other things.  In my dreams, I am ‘important.’

                But the reality is that the unloading of the groceries or helping someone to move is where the Gospel is lived.  The Celestial Kingdom is filled with people who showed up early to set up chairs.  It isn’t the big, grandiose (and noticed) deeds that make the difference in who we are.  It is the small, simple acts – away from the eyes of others – that reveal our character (and, more importantly still, shape our characters).

                John was the perfect example of this.  In most days and ages, John would have been the prophet.  He could have been known as was Moses or Abraham, but for the fact that he happened to be born at a time when he would be overshadowed completely by the Savior.  As incredible of a man as he was, his duty was the prophetic equivalent of showing up early to set up the chairs for the meeting.

                Yet John accepted this role.  He was ultimately killed before even seeing the resurrection of the Savior.  What a powerful example he is to each of us to learn our duty, wherever and whatever it may be, and to carry it out.  Sure we may want for more, but where the Lord has placed us is where He wants us and where we can do the most good.

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