Friday, February 20, 2015

Ezekiel 7-8

(February 17, 2015)
                It has always been essential that we place our faith in God, and Him alone, rather than on any particular mortal man or institution.  I have a firm testimony of the Church and believe it to be the Lord’s Kingdom on Earth.  I believe that my Priesthood Leaders are both called of God generally, and in my particular case are good men trying to do what is right (I understand that isn’t always the case, but I am fortunate enough that it is the case in my situation). 

                But good men can make mistakes.  And bad men can be called.  The Lord is teaching us that through Ezekiel by showing us idolatry being performed even within the temple.  There are, I have no doubt, some leaders somewhere who are actively working against the Lord.  There are some leaders somewhere who are mislead by the influence of the adversary into making mistakes.

                In both cases, though, our responsibility is clear.  Our relationship has to be with the Lord, not with our leaders or the Church.  And yet, we must be willing to submit to our leaders (even if they make mistakes or have fallen) unless the Lord clearly tells us otherwise.  Regardless of the leader, the Lord put them in that position for a reason and that reason almost certainly includes lessons for each of us to learn.  And if not, following a mistaken or unrighteous leader will be turned to our benefit if we do so as evidence of our willingness to submit to all things the Lord sees fit to inflict on us.  Add in the final element – we may never truly know if the leader is making a mistake or we are mistaken ourselves (unless the Lord tells us directly) – and there is not a good reason to disregard Priesthood Leadership.  Nor, however, is it safe to rely on it to the exclusion of our relationship with the Savior.

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