Sunday, September 22, 2013

Doctrine and Covenants 11

(September 20, 2013)
I was struck by the Lord’s language regarding putting our trust in the Spirit that leads us to do good.  It is this Spirit that can fill our spirits with joy.  As I thought about it, I spent some time dwelling on my own frustrations and unhappiness in life.  Were certain aspects of my life changed, I would be able to experience great happiness.  As it is, I occasionally deal with profound pain.  My mind was drawn to the promise that who the Lord loves He chastens, and it dawned on me that had these things changed I would have been happy regardless of how closely I was following the Spirit.  Perhaps I would have felt a hidden ache, but it would have been buried.  Now, with my pain brought to the surface by these life events, I am fully dependent on the Lord and His Spirit for providing joy.  This has the capacity, if I let it, to drawn me nearer to Him and my pain could become a great blessing.

I don’t know if I have the faith for this, and it is easy to lose myself in the pain that I am dealing with.  But in my mind, at least, I think I understand the purpose of this pain now.

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