Monday, May 19, 2014

Deuteronomy 28

(May 16, 2014)
It is hard to know what is an appropriate understanding of when our temporal blessings are from the Lord.  After all, don’t we also believe that the absence of temporal blessings does not constitute evidence that the Lord is angry with us?  I can think of a number of people more righteous than I (by any apparent standard) who make less money than I do.  I can think of a number of people less righteous than I (by any apparent standard) who make more money than I do.  Doesn’t that mean that we cannot draw a correlation between wealth and righteousness?

And yet, all of the blessings and cursing in this chapter seem to be of a temporal nature.  At first I debated the idea that it was only symbolic, but many of the promised cursings actually took place in a temporal fashion (in a way that seemed to me yet another powerful example of Moses and his prophetic capacity).  What does that mean we are to derive from our level of temporal success?  Should I fear disobedience in my life when my job takes an unexpected setback?

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