Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Phillipians 3-4

(August 5, 2013)
I had two thoughts as I read through these chapters today.  The first of these thoughts centered around Paul’s description of the results of his following the law before his conversion.  I thought it was a very appropriate way of pointing out that works cannot save us.  He followed the law precisely, but it was profiting him nothing.  He at no point indicated that a believer could or should thereafter turn to iniquity and wickedness, but rather that works without faith accomplished nothing.

Secondly, I was amazed at the way scriptures can provide an answer to a prayer.  Last night I sat wondering about a particular issue and, as I thought of what I needed to know, I spent some time praying for the Spirit to bless me to know how best to approach the problem in light of my responsibilities.  Here, not one day later, there was language in this chapter that directly answered my question.  More important than the issue or the answer, however, was the fact that the Lord was kind enough to answer a question from me in such a way.  It is something that really fills me with gratitude.

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