Monday, January 13, 2014

1 Nephi 13

(January 11, 2014)
Why did the Great Apostasy need to occur?  Why couldn’t the Lord’s people have retained the Gospel without the plain and precious truths being removed?  If we accept that the Lord is in charge, then there must be a answer to this question – not only that it occurred but why it occurred.  It doesn’t necessarily mean that we can learn or understand the answer to this question, but there must be the answer.

My best understanding (and this is solely my opinion, so don’t take it any further than you can throw it) is that the Great Apostasy is similar to the Israelites wandering in the desert for 40 years.  The Israelites had learned certain bad habits while among the Egyptians.  They still had a slave mentality – waiting for others to do things for them.  They still had a idolatrous mentality – turning to other gods at the drop of the hat.  They needed to be prepared for the task at hand – forming a monotheistic society built up worshiping the one true God.  And they weren’t ready for that.

Just as they wandered in the desert, the world languished in the Great Apostasy for some time.  The world was a brutal and cruel place, and certain attitudes and aspects needed to be changed for the Gospel to flourish.  And so, generation by generation, the Gospel slowly became integrated until it reached a critical mass where the plain and precious parts could be reintroduced.

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