Monday, June 2, 2014

3 Nephi 16-17

(June 1, 2014)
The Lord’s willingness to heal everyone is one of the most touching events recorded in the scriptures.  He reached out to each and every one who was present, and alleviated their suffering.  C. S. Lewis argued the point that each and every miracle was performed not so much for what it accomplished (the Lord could have arranged things to accomplish the same result without the supernatural means), but rather for the teaching that was accomplished by each miracle.

I believe that he is correct.  The teaching that we learn from this miracle is two-fold.  First, the Lord loves each and every one of us, and is willing to devote His time and attention towards lifting each of us in our burdens.  Secondly, the Lord heals not only our sickness or our lameness, but any affliction.  If we hurt (and do we not all hurt to the limit of our endurance), He is there to heal us.  We as the multitude go towards Him, and He receives us one by one.

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