Saturday, June 14, 2014

Judges 16-18

(June 12, 2014)
The story of Sampson and Delilah is a fascinating one – mostly because of the fact that Sampson continues to stay with her after she has three times tried to betray him.  The only thing that I can think of for why he would do that is to say that Sampson did not understand why he was given the power he was given, and he did not think that it could be lost.  He thought that he could tell her a thousand ideas, and each time he would mock her.

What is even more interesting to me, though, is how the Lord used Sampson.  In the end, Sampson ultimately succeeded in destroying the strength of the Phillisitines (including most of the leaders).  But because Sampson was wicked, he was also destroyed.  That is so often true – the Lord can accomplish His work without us (or even through us despite our rebellion), but we can choose to be part of that work or not.

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