Friday, June 6, 2014

Judges 7-8

(June 6, 2014)
We speak of Gideon, and rightly so, but I have never stopped to consider the faith and trust in the Lord of the 300 that followed him.  After all, they did not (presumably) hear the voice of the Lord.  They did not see the two miracles with the dew.  They did not hear the interpretation of the dream.  So they were part of an outnumbered army (outnumbered four to one), and from that the bulk were sent home.  Now they were outnumbered 13 to one.  From that group, the bulk were again sent home and they were outnumbered 300 to one.  And yet they not only willingly went to war, but after the enemy was put to flight they chased after them.  I would be afraid chasing the army that I might accidentally catch them!

But not the army of Gideon.  A mere 300, they chased their enemy, they eventually caught them and defeated them (I would love to have read more about that, because there must have been a miracle there because they were still vastly outnumbered).  To have seen each of the groups peel away and still be willing to serve God and fight on His behalf is impressive, and a worthwhile example for us each to follow.

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