Saturday, June 14, 2014

Judges 11

(June 9, 2014)
The book of Judges, to me, seems to be a perfect description of what happens in a world without order and hierarchy.  The Lord’s house is a house of order, but order and hierarchy is something sorely missing among the Israelites of those days.  Now that doesn’t mean that the people were correct to call out for a king (although that might be what the author is trying to demonstrate), but rather that the people – when they abandoned their Heavenly King – brought only sorrow and misery to themselves and those around them.  This is worthwhile to think about as we see the attacks by atheists and others against the hierarchical structure of the Church.

The other thought was similar – the end result of those who fight against the Lord and His people are almost always tragic.  Who has fought against God and prospered?  The Ammonites, in this chapter, were still recovering from their decision to fight against the Lord’s people.  Moses and Joshua did not seek out a battle against them, but they were determined to fight against Israel and were punished accordingly.  We see that as well in our modern days, with people who are fighting against the Lord’s Church when a simple Internet search would show what has happened (even in modern days) to those who have fought against the Church in the past.

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