Saturday, June 14, 2014

Mormon 1

(June 10, 2014)
It is troubling to read through this chapter in light of the world we are currently living in.  On the one hand, we have the miracles of miracles and healings having been taken from the Earth.  We aren’t fully to that point (I have seen miracles and healings in my life), but they are rare.  Perhaps they were always rare, but it seems like they are less common than they were in previous ages.  If that is the case, what does that mean about us as a people?  Yes, we are not to be a sign-seeking people, but if we are not seeing miracles in our lives shouldn’t we be a bit concerned about that?  Doesn’t that give indication that, at the very least, wickedness was prevailing upon the land?

Added to that is the fact that sorceries and witchcraft and magics wrought upon the face of the land and you have to wonder about what you aren’t seeing in the world around us.  And just because I have never seen or experienced sorceries and witchcraft and magics doesn’t mean, in my opinion, that I can discount them.  After all, there are many who would discount miracles because they have not experienced them – while I can state with assurance that they are wrong based upon my experiences.  If a person is wrong in claiming miracles are no more because they haven’t seen them, doesn’t that make me wrong if I try to claim that sorceries are non-existence because I have not experienced them?

That leaves me with the understanding that miracles are very rare (undoubtably real, but rare) and a belief that sorceries and other such things are happening but hidden.  That is uncomfortable to consider.

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