Monday, April 21, 2014

Alma 35-36

(April 13, 2014)
The anger of the Zoramites for the destruction of their craft so clearly parallels the anger is certain members of our ruling caste today for the promulgation of religion.  They hate the preaching of the Gospel, because it destroys their craft of turning heart against heart in conflict for the acquisition of votes.  It destroys their craft of controlling population through the dark sacrament of abortion.  It destroys their craft by encouraging self-reliance and common decency.  They cannot maintain their power in the presence of a religious society.  And so they rail against religion.

That carries on to the other language used in these chapters – offended by the word.  That truly describes our modern society.  If I say in public that homosexual marriage is wrong and will lead to unhappiness, it is something that I am saying out of a genuine love for my fellow men and a desire to see them keep the commandments and find joy therein. And yet, to say such a thing is to be a “hater,” a “homophobe,” or a “bigot.”  It is to be cursed out of public discourse.  Because they are offended by the word of God, in part because it destroys their craft and in part because those who lead them sway them for the same reason.

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