Monday, April 21, 2014

Leviticus 2-4

(March 21, 2014)
Some things I have never noticed before, but in reading the scriptures again and again they seem to pop out to me in an order and manner that leads me to believe that I am being inspired.  As I read these chapters, I was impressed by the obviousness that the Gospel and Christ’s great sacrifice was the culmination of the Law of Moses, to the point I wondered how anyone could miss it.  In that frame of mind, I read about the sacrifices of a female goat.  This brought me up short.

Why a female goat?  I had just been convinced again of the clear nature of the Law of Moses as pointing towards the Atonement of Christ.  But the sacrifice of a female goat wasn’t pointing to that, was it?  As I thought about it, I remembered the analogy of a husband loving his wife the way Christ loved the Church.  Is the Church the female goat?  Or is it man in general?

I can easily see the possibility of either interpretation (and perhaps both are correct).  If we sin ignorantly, the Church still must be involved in order to restore the person to activity and full fellowship.  Likewise, we as individuals (and those around us) must suffer for some of our sins, even if we sin in ignorance.

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