Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Proverbs 17-18

(December 2, 2014)
                I had an interesting thought while reading these chapters, and I wanted to explore it – not because I know it to be true but because it is interesting enough that I want to see whether I think it is true.  We don’t necessarily know the full mechanisms behind the Fall, but we see all sorts of evidences of them.  For example, entropy really seems to be a good corollary of the Fall.

                But I am wondering if the Fall, ultimately, was a temporary breach in the Law of Restitution or the Law of the Harvest.  Evil can (temporarily) benefit in mortality, whereas it never can in eternity.  When we are good in mortality, we sometimes don’t see the benefits of that goodness (not that we should be good for the benefits) during our lifetime.  For this brief window of time, the Law of Restitution is not firmly applicable to our lives – to the extent it is applicable, it is often delayed.

                This is the challenge that President Kimball and President Benson both alluded to, and it seems to be a unique condition to mortality.  What little we know about the hereafter, and the time before the Fall, seem to indicate that at those times this Law was perfectly in force.

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