Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Daniel 5-6

(March 16, 2015)
                I have always been struck by the language discussing Daniel praying – that he prayed and gave thanks “as he did aforetime.”  Daniel was able to keep the commandments in difficult situations only because he was keeping the commandments in the peaceful, easy times.

                So often we try to fool ourselves into believing that in the moment of crisis we will find ourselves standing bravely on the side of right and truth.  But we will only be there if we can be found there during the times when the crisis is yet to come.  If we don’t boldly share our testimony when the cost is a little bit of social approbation, how could we possibly be brave enough to share our testimony when the cost is our lives or fortunes?  If we aren’t strong enough to keep the commandments when we have food to eat and shelter to live in, how can we keep the commandments when our world crumbles around us?

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